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Yoga asanas for good digestion

Bad digestion is the root of all evil,’ says Hippocrates. Our ancient texts concur. According to Ayurveda, the root cause of all disorders lies in poor digestion. That is why it is imperative that our digestive fire remain strong. So that the food that we eat is efficiently metabolized. Otherwise, regardless of how healthy our food choices may be, our body will find it difficult to assimilate and absorb the nutrients present in what we eat.

Understanding the Digestive process:

Think of the digestive system as a juicer, ‘agni’ as juicer blades, body toxins as fruit waste, and energy as juice!

If the juicer blades are weak, there is less juice and more fruit waste. So, if the ‘agni’ (juicer blades) is weak, the digestive system produces less energy (juice). This results in more toxins (fruit waste) getting accumulated in the cells. Thus, a strong agni is required for a good digestive system. With its rejuvenating powers, yoga can make your agni strong and help improve your digestion!

How can yoga asanas improve digestion?

Yoga poses for better digestion: